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Guiding Star

Why does the sun and the moon revolve around the earth while the stars in the night sky revolve around one specific star?  Is the earth flat and if so, what is on the flip side?  Why is the truth feared if it involves change?  Can religion exist without the Church, can the Lord?  These are the questions Gallo Weaver asks himself in his quest for knowledge and the truth.

The story begins in the Republic of St. Peter (the Papal States) during the 10th century.  Two brothers, Leno and Gallo Weaver, are the protagonists.  Leno is a pragmatic young man on the threshold of the responsibilities of adulthood.  Gallo, the younger brother, is as innocent as he is inquisitive.  Father Raul, the antagonist, causes much grief for the Weaver family. The story is a hero’s journey and follows the adventures of the two brothers after they get swept out to sea; Leno, struggling to get home to his family and Gallo trying to unravel the mysteries of the earth into scientific fact while their pious Uncle Sergius and Leno’s finance Isabella are maltreated by the duplicitous Father Raul.